Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Post 70 ~ Falling Up Tour ~ Final day in CT

Apple Cider and Submarine

We came across the only steam driven cider left in the country in Mystic, CT built in 1881

The press on a turn-table

Here you see boiler on left & steam driven engine on the right.

Very coool.

Near our campground we came across the only submarine manufacturer left, (Electric Boat Div. of General Dynamics)

In the harbor they had USS Nautilus (the first nuclear sub)retired and open for tours.

USS Nautilus's original props

Outside the museum were various subs from long ago.

Touring a real sub was incredible.  And a little tight.

Touring while the sub was at the surface was one thing....

But if the sub was submerged a few thousand feet I think I would be claustrophobic

The first sub with steps.(most have ladders)

Pam on deck.

It was soo cool.

Cut away section....

319 ft. long.

The museum had a lot of neat stuff

Some predecessors to the Nautilus

Strange looking(first carrying two torpedoes)

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