Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Post 71 ~ Falling Up Tour ~ New York, New York

New York City ~ blue sky ~ Still CRAZY there on a Saturday and Sunday

Pam has this thing about the structure of bridges? I just don't get it.

Approaching New York City

The building being built on the site of 9/11 attacks

More bridges

People were everywhere

Busy, busy, busy...

A lot of yellow cabs

Empire State Building

Jib cranes on top of the new towers.

The 13'-0" RV would not fit in the tunnel

Thanks for the warning

Now this RV'er travels in class (eh Doz)

Manhattan from Ellis Island

The new tower being erected on 9/11 site

Liberty Park train station

Empire State Building in the middle

The Green Lady in the harbor

Ellis Island

You know who

The processing center on Ellis Island

The main processing room

Various types of currency exchanged by the immigrants

Captain of the ship

It really is a sight to behold...

The freedom cycle with the reflection of the statue

9/11 memorial built in Liberty State Park

The names of 9/11 victims are listed on these two walls.  When viewed from the park they look like the towers once did

Colors at our campsite reflecting in the lake

Rushing waters at our campsite

Snicker's campsite

1 comment:

  1. All the pictures of New York City look like the movies! People everywhere and buildings in the sky. I didn't know that they were already building something at ground zero, really cool! The memorial for Patriot Day (9/11) is really cool. Pretty pictures of Statue of Liberty and colorful trees!
